
Celebrating National Women’s Health Week

Each year, the Department of Health and Human Services kicks off National Women’s Health Week following Mother’s Day. This year, they are focusing on the theme of “Becoming Well Women.” While this week serves as a great opportunity for healthcare providers to think about ways to help women stay healthy, home healthcare providers are…


Celebrating Older Americans Month

Each May, we join the nation in celebrating Older Americans Month to recognize older Americans for their contributions and discuss ways to help them stay healthy. This year, the Administration for Community Living is focusing on injury prevention with the theme “Safe Today. Healthy Tomorrow.” Older Americans are at a higher risk of injury…


Home Health Sector Sees the Largest Job Loss in More than a Decade

  The December Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) jobs report projects that 3,700 home health jobs were lost in December, demonstrating the biggest loss in home health jobs in more than a decade. Leaders in the home health community have warned these cuts are directly related to the unprecedented 14 percent cut to the Medicare…


What the Home Health Rule Means For Providers & Patients

Despite the concerns expressed by more than 200 bipartisan Members of Congress, leading senior advocacy organizations, patients, and providers, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) chose to cut Medicare home health payments to the fullest extent allowed by the Affordable Care Act. These cuts, at 3.5% per year, total an unprecedented cut to…


November is National Home Care & Hospice Month

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and many Americans will be making their way home to spend quality time with family and friends. And while there is much to be thankful for, perhaps “home” might be the most important of all. November is National Home Care and Hospice Month, a time dedicated to preserving…


Lawmakers and Advocates Speak Out Against Proposed Home Health Cuts

In June, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a draft regulation that proposes to deeply cut Medicare funding for home healthcare services. Cuts of this severity could threaten the delivery of quality skilled home health services for Medicare’s most vulnerable beneficiaries. As home healthcare providers and patients wait to see whether…


Preparing Home Health Patients for Natural Disasters

With the start of Hurricane season, we are reminded yet again of the importance of emergency preparedness for the home health sector. While hospitals and shelters help to protect many individuals in the event of a natural disaster, homebound patients often continue to rely on their home health providers to deliver the care they need…


INFOGRAPHIC: Home Health Patients versus All Medicare Beneficiaries

While all Medicare beneficiaries are in need of healthcare services, home healthcare beneficiaries are typically more vulnerable than the average Medicare patient. They are older, more likely to live alone, have fewer financial resources, and suffer from more chronic health conditions. In recent years, the home health benefit has been repeatedly hit with spending…


Caring For Our Fellow Americans

Tomorrow is the 4th of July, a day to celebrate democracy, community, and to recognize the efforts of those that serve at home and abroad. But Independence Day also allows for reflection on the meaning of patriotism. A patriot understands the importance of both country and community, and cares deeply for the welfare of others….


Congress Repealed the Medicare Home Health Copayment Because It Increased Costs. So Why Are They Considering It Again?

In 1972, Congress passed an amendment repealing a 20-percent copayment to beneficiaries who received home healthcare under Part B citing copayments as “a financial burden to many elderly persons living on marginal incomes.”  The coinsurance requirement lead to increased hospital costs and was found to discriminate against patients. Similarly, our nation’s 3.5 million Medicare…



